Biographical Note

Scope and Content Notes


Controlled Access Terms

Administrative Information

Container List

Guide to Air Ship Patents Collection, 1844-1903This finding aid is part of the Special Collections and University Archives of Indiana University of Pennsylvania.

Guide to Air Ship Patents Collection, 1844-1903

creatorUnited States Patent Office
collectionAir Ship Patents Collection
Abstract: The Air Ship Patents collection contains patents related to airplanes and other modes of air travel, ranging from 1844-1903.
Quantity: 1 (2 boxes)
Identification: MG#31

Biographical Note

Any and all information containing such ideas for, or improvements of, airplane mechanics inside the U.S. had to be drawn up and filed at the United States Patent Office.

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Scope and Content Notes

These papers include patents for air balloons, flying machines, aerial navigation equipment, and other aerial inventions. The patents date from 1844 to 1903. Most contain a detailed sketch of the product, and a letter of patented certification.

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The Air Ship Patents Collection is housed in 2 archival boxes.

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This collection is open for research.

Property rights reside with Indiana University of Pennsylvania, University Archives and Special Collections. Literary rights are retained by the creators of the records and their heirs. For permissions to reproduce or publish, please contact the coordinator of the University Archives and Special Collections.

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Controlled Access Terms

These records are indexed under the following terms in the Indiana University of Pennsylvania Library catalog. Researchers wishing to find related materials may wish to search under these terms.
Navigation (Aeronautics), airships.
Corporate Names
United States Patents Office

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Administrative Information

Air Ship Patents Collection, 1844-1903, MG# 31, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, University Archives and Special Collections

This collection was processed by Special Collections Staff,date unknown. Papers rearranged and inventory rewritten by Special Collections Staff in Spring 2001.

Revision and rearrangement for the encoded version of the finding aid provided by Jason Hutchins on November 16, 2001.

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Container List

11M. Muzzi: Fling Machine October 16, 1844
2Hugh Bell: Balloone March 26, 1850
3J.W. Brewer: Balloon, July 11, 1854
4James P. Gage: Balloon, March 8, 1859
5M. Nelson: Aerial Car, May 21, 1891
6L.C. Crowell: Aerial Machine, June 3, 1862
7Thomas L. Shaw: Balloon, February 10, 1863
8James H. Connell: Air Balloon, November 17, 1863
9Solomon Andrews: Aerostat, July 5, 1864
10A.G. Wright: Balloon, December 27, 1864
11John Wootten: Flying Machine, May 22, 1866
12Chester W. Sykes: Improved Marine Balloons, September 11, 1866
13W. F Quinby: Improved Flying Machine, September 10, 1867
14Zaphna Stone: Aerial Navigator, May 12, 1868
15Onofrio Abruzo: Aerial Car, July 21, 1868
16Frederick Marriott: Aerial Steam Car, November 23, 1869
17Martin Braun: Improved Aerial Ships, February 8, 1870
18A.P. Keith: Aerial Car, March 1, 1870
19Edward Oaks: Aerial Car, August 30, 1870
20Isaac W. Forbes: Aerial Cars, July 16, 1872
21Paul Haenlein: Improved Balloon Locomotion, August 27, 1872
22Watson F. Quinby: Improved Flying Apparatus, October 8, 1872
23Charles McDermott: Improved Nav. Apparatus, November 12, 1872
24T. Moy and E. Shill: Navigation Apparatus, November 26, 1872
25Thomas Green: Navigating Apparatus, August 12, 1873
26Otto Francis: Navigating Apparatus, February 10, 1874
27C. B. Wainwright: Steering & Propelling App., March 24, 1874
28Lewis A. Boswell: Improved Propeller-Wheels, April 4, 1874
29James Hartness: Balloons, May 19, 1874
30C.F. McGlashan: Guiding Balloons, June 16, 1874
31Daniel L. Rhone: Aerial Boats, June 23, 1874
32Micajah Dyer: Navigating Apparatus, September 1, 1874
33L. A. Boswell: Aerial Propeller Wheels, September 22, 1874
34Felix LeBlanc: Aerial Vessels, October 27, 1874
35Peter B. Fernandez: Aerial & Marine Gyrator, April 6, 1875
36F. X. Lamboley: Flying Machine, August 15, 1876
37John B. Ward: Aerial Machine, December 19, 1876
38Frank Barnett: Flying Machine, May 15, 1877
39Washington Beckley: Balloon, July 17, 1877
40M.M. Murrell: Aerial Navigators, August 14, 1877
41J.J. Pennington: Flying Machine, September 4, 1877
42John B. Ward: Aerial Machine, October 2, 1877
43Fritz A. L. Von Ehren: Aerial Vessels, January 15, 1878
44C.F. Ritchel: Improved Flying Machine, March 12, 1878
45William F. Pearson: Balloon, April 23, 1878
46Richard W. Cowan: Aerial Paddle-Wheel, May 28, 1878
47James Tracey: Air Ship, June 25, 1878
48J.F. Cameron: Air Ship, November 26, 1878
49Henrey Badgley: Aerial Machine, April 22, 1879
50Watson F. Quinby Aerial Ship, August 12, 1879
51J.J. Greenough: Aerobat, October 17, 1879
52Albert L. Blackman: Aerial Nav. Vess. & Machine, February 17, 1880
53Charles A. Sullivan: Flying Machine, November 30, 1880
54F. W. Brearey: Aerial Apparatus, November 30, 1880
55John F. Mackenzie: Aerial Navigation, December 21, 1880
56E.A. Pearse: Aerial Navigation Machine, January 11, 1881
57William Beeson: Flying Ship, August 16, 1881
58Edward De Jongh: Aeronautic App. & Regulator, September 13, 1881
59Albert L. Blackman: Aerial Navigation Vessel, December 6, 1881
60William G. Krueger: Air Ship, January 31, 1882
61Charles P. Fest: Balloon, April 4, 1882
62Carl W. Petersen: Air Ship, April 11, 1882
63James A. Nisonger: Shifting rail for vehicles, May 23, 1882
64Charles P. Fest: Air Ship, August 29, 1882
65R.L. Downton: Aerial Ship, September 12, 1882
66Joel Ray: Aerial Vessel, January 2, 1883
67E.F. Falconnet: Aerial Ship, January 23, 1883
21Martin Bruan: Aerial Ship February 1, 1877
2James M. Wheeler: Air Ship April 19, 1887
3Peter C. Campbell: Air Ship May 10, 1887
4Joseph Neubrand: Aerial Vessel April 19, 1887
5Williams Beeson: Aerial Navigation April 26, 1887
6C.R.E. Wulff: Propelling & Guiding App. May 17, 1887
7W. N. Hutchinson: Aerial Vessel October 18, 1887
8Charles H. Morgan: Air Ship November 22, 1887
9William Beeson: Flying Machine January 24, 1888
10W. Gustafson: Aerial Navigation February 21, 1888
11B. Bontems: Aerial Navigation Apparatus April 17, 1888
12E. P. Johnston: Air Ship June 5, 1888
13John P. Holmes: Air Ship February 12, 1889
14C.A. Kunzel: Balloon March 12, 1889
15H.A.J. Rieckert: Air Ship March 19, 1889
16N. H. Borgfeldt: Flying Machine October 1, 1889
17David Thayer: Aerial Apparatus December 24, 1889
18Matthias H. Baldwin: Aerostat March 25, 1890
19John J. Pokorny: Air Ship April 1, 1890
20C. E. Bechtel: Air Ship June 3, 1890
21C. D. E. Hennig: Air Ship June 17, 1890
22Stewart Cairncross: Aerial Machine July 22, 1890
23Perham W. Nahl: Navigable Air Ship October 28, 1890
24Burr F. Barnes: Flying Machine September 29, 1891
25John Arbtin: Air Ship November 3, 1891
26Stewart Caircross: Aerial Machine December 8, 1891
27James C. Walker: Air Ship January 12, 1892
28W. N. Riddle: Aerial Ship April 19, 1892
29Burr F. Barnes: Air Ship July 12, 1892
30Leon Grayon: Propeller August 16, 1892
31C. T. L. Gabrielii: Balloon Ship June 27, 1893
32Theodor Steinmann: Air Ship July 11, 1893
33S. B. Batten: Aerial Machine July 25, 1893
34A. F. Bergqvist: Aerial Vessel October 17, 1893
35C. F. Billwillner: Navigable Air Ship October 31, 1893
36Edwin Pynchon: Air Ship November 14, 1893
37Joachim A. Sumovski: Balloon December 12, 1893
38J. S. Preiswerk: Parachute Sail for Balloons January 9, 1894
39S. Spaeth: Aerial Vessel February 6, 1894
40Christopher G. Cross: Aerial Locomotive March 13, 1894
41George Wellner: Flying Apparatus March 13, 1894
42Duana Hurlbut: Air Ship September 25, 1894
43Hermann Ganswindt: Propeller for Aerial Vehicles October 2, 1894
44Nicholas H. Borgfeldt: Aerial Navigation Apparatus December 4, 1894
45Otto Lilienthal: Flying Machine August 20, 1895
46W. N. Hutchinson: Navigable Balloon October 15, 1895
47Manoel V. Coutinho: Aerostat March 17, 1896
48C. A. Smith: Air Ship August 11, 1896
49Frank Kline: Power Wheel July 28, 1896
50E.J. St. Croix: Air Ship December 26, 1896
51Henrey Heintz: Air Ship April 20, 1897
52Carl E. Myers: Sky Cycle April 20, 1897
53Octave Chanute: Soaring Machine May 18, 1897
54Louis P. Mouillard: Means of Aerial Flight May 18, 1897
55Thomas M. Crepar: Air Ship August 24, 1897
56Daniel Reed: Air Ship October 12, 1897
57Jacob D. Graybill: Aerial Machine October 26, 1897
58James Richardson: Flying Machine December 28, 1897
59Theodore Leibbrand: Aerial Navigation March 22, 1898
60Adolph Koehler: Air Ship June 7, 1898
61F. A. Jone: Flying Machine June14, 1898
62William P. Butuson: Soaring Machine June 28, 1898
63Charles E. Hite: Air Ship July 12, 1898
64Thomas J. Brown: Aerial Ship September 13, 1898
65Oscar L. Smith: Air Ship October 13, 1898
66R.H. Von Sieqsfeld: Air Balloon October 25, 1898
67Frederick R. Merritt: Air Ship December 6, 1898
68F. Graf Zeppelin: Navigable Balloon March 14, 1899
69John F. Pickering: Air Ship February 20, 1900
70Louis Etienne Roze: Flying Machine May 1, 1900
71Charles Stanley: Air Ship October 9, 1900
72Leo Stevens: Controllable Balloons November 13, 1900
73J.H. Dillon-Gregg: Aerial Navigation Machine January 22, 1901
74A. F. Hubbard: Air Ship February 19, 1901
75Eugene M. Farr: Aerial Vessel July 9, 1901
76Walter J. Bell: Wing for Flying Machine February 25, 1902
77Frederick W. Dufwa: Blade for Air Ship March 4, 1902
78Charles Groombridge: Propeller for Air Ship April 8, 1902
79Joel T. Rice: Flying Machine July 8, 1902
80Ernest R. Krocker: Air Ship or Vessel November 4, 1902
81E. P. Johnson: Air Ship March 10, 1903
82John Berry: Air Ship March 24, 1903
83Thor Michelsen: Air Ship April 21, 1903
84Otto A. Kaehler: Flying Machine May 5, 1903
85L. A. Boswell: Steering for Diriqible May 26, 1903
86Geo. D. Shultz: Aerial Vessel June 2, 1903
87Theodor Gibon: Aeroplane June 2, 1903
88A. F. Godefroy: Means for Propelling Vessels June 9, 1903
89Isaac I. Morris: Aerial Navigation Machine September 1, 1903
90C. E. Van Devanter: Aerial Navigation Apparatus October 13, 1903
91Eugene F. Falconnet
92Charles H. Morgan: Aerial Ship

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