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Government Information Collection Development Policy

Background and Statement of Responsibility

In 1962, Stapleton Library was designated a depository library for federal documents, and presently serves the government information needs of the 12th U.S. Congressional District in accordance with 44 USC  1905 and "Instructions to Depository Libraries". We are also a depository for documents emanating from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.


Community Background

The collection has been selected to serve the needs of the academic community of Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP), as well as the Indiana County  business and agricultural communities, and the other citizens of the 4th Congressional District

     IUP is a publicly supported, co-educational doctoral 1 university. It is a multi-purpose institution composed of six colleges and two schools. There are two branch campuses located in Kittanning and Punxsutawney. It offers degrees of AA, BA, BS, BFA, Ma, Ms, MBA, MFA, Med, PhD, and Ed.D. Its student population varies but is approximately  12,000 undergraduates and  1,500 graduate students, and is accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools.

     Indiana is a rural community located fifty miles northeast of Pittsburgh. Its major employers are R & P Coal and the University and many of its inhabitants are involved in agriculture.



Selection and service to patrons, including circulation, Internet access, interlibrary loan, and reference, are coordinated the other depository libraries in the State System of Higher Education (SSHE), as well as the other depository in our congressional district, Cambria County Public Library (CCPL).  The SSHE has a well-developed documents group that meets regularly for cross training, discussion, and collaborative collection development. Item lists are annually exchanged with the CCPL and collaborative bibliographic instruction as well as interlibrary loans have taken place.     

     As an academic library, a concerted effort is made to develop collections that meet the curricular needs of undergraduate students and the specialized research needs of our graduate students and faculty.  To this end, the Government Publications Librarian consults with the faculty and students in selecting items for the collection. We also attempt to address the needs of our community users based upon typical reference inquiries.

Each year the librarian performs a zero-based item review during GPO's annual selection update utilizing traditional and recently available electronic tools such a the List of Classes, the GPO Item Lister, the Documents Data Miner, and the GPO Monthly Catalog and a commerical version of that database as well as the Union List of SSHE System depository library selections.

  Areas of concentration for selection are:

Criminal Justice      


Duplicate and Replacement Policy

The Library maintains a deposit account of at least $500.00 annually for the acquisition of desired items deemed lost or non-selected.


Collection Maintenance

All depository items are recognized as the property of the United States Government and are weeded and discarded only after satisfying procedures outlined by the FDLP.  The collections are shelf read and weeded periodically and are bound in the same manner as other library materials.


Format and Access

Paper version of frequently used titles are selected if at all possible, but partially due to our lack of especially permanent clerical staff in the department, in recent years the Documents Librarian has deselected paper items that are infrequently used and difficult to maintain in paper format when such titles are available on the WWW.

The Library has also historically purchased large microfiche sets such as the NCJRS microfiche collection, the CIS Congressional Publications, and the American Statistics Index microfiche, and presently subscribes to commercial versions of the Monthly Catalog and Statistical Universe and Academic Universe as well as numerous full-text databases that offer access to many government produced information and serials.  Because of these holdings we only rarely select congressional or statistical publications.

CD-ROMs which offer access to materials on the WWW have also recently been deselected except for items particularly desired in that format.

The library has recently begun subscription to full-Marc records for items selected as well as all records which include URL'S.

When items are not available in our collection the library will provide interlibrary loan service at no charge to all patrons utilizing its relationship with other depositories in our congressional district, other depositories in the SSHE, and the State library first.


                                                                                                            Revised July 24, 2000




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